WidgetBucks - Trend Watch - WidgetBucks.com

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Widgetbucks Increases Speed

Looks like the folks over at Widgetbucks have finally taken the word of the people seriously and have implemented new code to get their widgets to load faster than they were before. I've already re-implemented the code on this site, but I don't really notice a difference. Let me know if you do when you re-do your code!

Their official e-mail is right here:

One of the concerns we've heard from many of you has been the slow loading times of our widgets. We really appreciate your feedback and comments in helping us improve in this area. So, today we addressed this issue by rolling out new code that ultimately delivers faster loading widgets.

It is very important to note that this update will require action on your part. You will need to update code of your existing widgets for the speedier load times to take affect on your site, blog or network. Know that changing the code will not impact earnings for any of your widgets.

Here are the two steps you'll need to follow:

1. Sign-in to http://widgetbucks.com and go to My Widgets
2. For each active widget, simply edit and re-copy the code block into your site or blog (the same steps you went through when you created the widgets originally)

Another option for updating code is to utilize the new categories and ad sizes we've incorporated over the last few weeks. Modifying a widget's size or category -- or creating an entirely new widget for that matter -- will generate the new code that can then be re-copied to your site or blog.

I hope that this does increase the load times of these widgets as it is a bit lengthy. However, Widgetbucks have had different problems lately, as they've been punished by google for hiding links behind their widgets. Try disabling javascript and let me know what happens. John Chow has reported on this over at his blog, so feel free to head over there as well!

More widgetbucks news and updates to come!

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